miguel leon tyson

Who is Miguel Leon Tyson? Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Career, Net Worth, Family, Wife And More

Miguel Leon Tyson, the child of the unbelievable fighter Mike Tyson, has cut his own way, veering from the normal enclosing heritage to seek after interests music and the scholarly world. Notwithstanding the transcending shadow of his dad’s distinction, Miguel has shown areas of strength for a towards music, playing instruments like the piano and drums, and taking part in different magnanimous exercises.

Early Life and Education

Miguel Leon Tyson was naturally introduced to a universe of notoriety and physicality however decided to follow his energy for music from early on. He went to Estrella Mountain Junior college and Renaissance Music Institute to concentrate on music execution. As of now, he is seeking a degree in Brain research with a minor in Friendly Business venture at the College of Southern California.

What Does Miguel Leon Tyson Do?

Miguel Leon Tyson wanders from the shadow of his dad’s boxing legend status, cutting out his own character in the domain of music and the scholarly community.

Not at all like the normal way of emulating Mike Tyson’s example, Miguel has shown a significant interest in music since early on, exhibiting his ability in playing instruments like the piano and drums.

His enthusiasm for music drove him to concentrate on music execution at Estrella Mountain Junior college and later at the Renaissance Music Foundation.

Past learning, Miguel expands his affection for music through educating, chipping in as a music educator at wilKO starting around 2017, and imparting his abilities and information to other people.

Beside his melodic undertakings, Miguel is focused on his scholarly interests.

He is at present concentrating on Brain research with a minor in Friendly Business at the College of Southern California, expecting to finish his certificate in 2024.

This scholarly way mirrors his advantage in grasping the human way of behaving and having a beneficial outcome on society through enterprising endeavors.

Besides, Miguel’s devotion to local area administration is obvious in his charitable effort with a few NGOs, including the American Red Cross, displaying a multi-layered character that traverses past artistic expression and training into philanthropic endeavors.

While he at times fiddles with boxing, sharing preparation drills via web-based entertainment, obviously Miguel’s essential center lies in his melodic profession and scholastic objectives, setting him in an extraordinary way unmistakable from the athletic accomplishments of his dad.

Who is Miguel Tyson’s Mom?

Miguel Leon Tyson’s mom is Sol Xochitl, a figure who has to a great extent stayed away from public scrutiny in spite of her relationship with quite possibly the most perceived name in sports history, Mike Tyson.

Sol Xochitl’s relationship with Mike Tyson carried her to public consideration, in spite of the fact that she has had a confidential existence away from the media glare.

Her experience as an extraordinary artist and her experience with Mike Tyson in Phoenix, Arizona, denotes the start of their relationship, which in the end prompted the introduction of their child, Miguel, and his more youthful sister, Departure, who unfortunately died in 2009.

Sol Xochitl and Mike Tyson’s relationship was essential for the fighter’s wild private life, including numerous relationships and connections.

In spite of the difficulties and the possible partition, Sol assumed a critical part in Miguel’s initial life, adding to his childhood and forming his way away from the boxing scene and towards music and schooling.

Sol’s effect on Miguel, especially in keeping an association with his social roots and sustaining his melodic gifts, mirrors her significant job as his mom in a story overwhelmed by his dad’s inheritance.

Personal Life

Brought up in a family set apart by both popularity and individual difficulties, Miguel has explored his way with an emphasis on his inclinations and scholarly pursuits. He appreciates sports, including rugby and football, and has prepared in boxing, however not chasing after it expertly.

Who are Miguel Leon Tyson’s Siblings?

Miguel Leon Tyson is essential for a huge and various family, with kin from his dad Mike Tyson’s different connections. He has a sum of five living half-kin, each with their own interesting stories and ways, mirroring the complicated relational peculiarities formed by their dad’s distinction, connections, and individual excursions.

  • Mikey Lorna Tyson (Age 33): Miguel’s oldest half-kin, brought into the world from Mike Tyson’s relationship with Kimberly Scarborough. She has to a great extent avoided the public eye, keeping a confidential life.
  • Rayna Tyson (Age 27): Brought into the world from Mike Tyson’s second union with Monica Turner, is advancing into the entertainment world as a promising entertainer, exhibiting her abilities behind the camera as opposed to continuing in her dad’s athletic strides.
  • Amir Tyson (Age 25): Additionally brought into the world to Mike Tyson and Monica Turner, has wandered into business ventures. He is the pioneer behind a streetwear clothing organization, Carefree Clothing, denoting his way in the business world with an imaginative edge.
  • Milan Tyson (Age 15): One of the more youthful individuals from the Tyson family, is a games lover with a specific interest in tennis. She is the little girl of Mike Tyson and his third spouse, Lakiha Spicer.

Morocco Tyson (Age 12): The most youthful kin, shares his mom Lakiha Spicer with Milan. He is still in his initial years, with his inclinations and future way yet to be freely known.

Miguel likewise had a more youthful sister, Departure Tyson, brought into the world to Sol Xochitl. Sadly, Mass migration died in a home mishap in 2009, a misfortune that profoundly impacted the Tyson family.

The different interests and professions of Miguel Leon Tyson’s kin mirror a takeoff from the solitary athletic tradition of their dad, exhibiting a scope of pursuits from innovative expressions and business to sports.

What Happened to Miguel Leon Tyson’s Sister?

A shocking occasion in the Tyson family was the less than ideal passing of Miguel Leon Tyson’s more youthful sister, Mass migration Tyson.

In May 2009, Mass migration, then, at that point, just four years of age, was engaged with an oddity mishap at their home.

While playing, she became entrapped in a line swinging from a treadmill, which prompted her strangulation.

In spite of being raced to the clinic and put in a coma, Departure couldn’t defeat her wounds and died presently.

This terrible occurrence profoundly impacted the Tyson family, bringing them tremendous sadness and putting a focus on family security for small kids.

Miguel, who was just seven years of age at that point, tracked down his sister and cautioned their mom, featuring a horrible second in his youth.

Controversies and Public Life

Miguel’s life has been moderately private, with negligible contentions. He has been found in a video preparing in boxing with his dad, igniting interest in whether he would emulate his dad’s example. In any case, he has stayed zeroed in on his music and studies.


  1. Musical Talent: Miguel Leon Tyson plays the piano and drums and has pursued formal education in music performance.
  2. Education: He is currently studying Psychology with a minor in Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California.
  3. Charitable Work: Miguel volunteers as a music instructor and has been involved with NGOs like the American Red Cross.
  4. Mother: His mother, Sol Xochitl, has kept a private life despite her relationship with Mike Tyson.
  5. Siblings: Miguel has five living half-siblings and had a younger sister, Exodus, who passed away in 2009.
  6. Boxing Interest: While not pursuing boxing professionally, Miguel occasionally shares training sessions on social media.


Miguel Leon Tyson, the son of legendary boxer Mike Tyson, has charted his own course by focusing on music and academia. He plays the piano and drums, has studied music performance, and is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology with a minor in Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California. Miguel is also dedicated to charitable work and has been a volunteer music instructor. Despite the tragic loss of his younger sister, Exodus, and the public attention due to his father’s fame, Miguel has remained committed to his personal interests and academic goals, making a name for himself beyond the boxing world.


What instruments does Miguel Leon Tyson play?

Miguel Leon Tyson plays the piano and drums.

Where is Miguel Leon Tyson studying?

He is studying Psychology with a minor in Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California.

What happened to Miguel Leon Tyson’s sister, Exodus?

Exodus Tyson tragically passed away in 2009 due to a home accident involving a treadmill cord.

Who is Miguel Leon Tyson’s mother?

Miguel Leon Tyson’s mother is Sol Xochitl.

Does Miguel Leon Tyson pursue boxing like his father?

While he occasionally shares boxing training sessions on social media, Miguel is primarily focused on his music and academic pursuits.

How does Miguel Leon Tyson contribute to charitable activities?

Miguel volunteers as a music instructor and is involved with NGOs like the American Red Cross.

Who are Miguel Leon Tyson’s siblings?

Miguel has five living half-siblings: Mikey Lorna Tyson, Rayna Tyson, Amir Tyson, Milan Tyson, and Morocco Tyson. He also had a younger sister, Exodus, who passed away in 2009.

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